The Ground

Sade Gardner
Mar 11, 2021

It’s physically the lowest place one can be

And we are often reminded that no matter who we are, what we do, or what we’ve accumulated

We’ll all be buried under the ground

The humbling ground

It’s a place to be walked on, unseen and unheard

But also a place to grow from and develop strong roots and principles

Yes, the empowering ground

It’s a place to pick up all the nourishing and discarded crumbs of knowledge and lessons from those above

And through character sculpted by enlightened soil and resilient concrete, rise above the stomping limitations of those who forget how easy it is to be below

The humbling, empowering ground

It takes nothing to be there

But can equip you with everything having been there




Sade Gardner

Bald-headed, freelance entertainment writer. Pro at burning eggs.